Call 911 when you feel you need emergency help.

MEEKER MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Emergency Room is located at 612 South Sibley Avenue, Litchfield, MN 55355. It is a(n) Critical Access Hospital and this hospital is Government – Local owned. Overall hospital rating is Not Available out of 5. Emergency Department Volume is low.


Facility ID: 241366


City: Litchfield

State: Minnesota

ZIP Code: 55355

County: Meeker

Contact Details

Address: 612 South Sibley Avenue

Full address: 612 South Sibley Avenue, Litchfield, MN 55355.

Phone Number: (320) 693-4507


Overall Rating: Not Available

Footnote: 16

Emergency Room Stats

  • Time spent in ER: 96 minutes – 1 hour 36 minutes

    • Footnote:
    • Note: This measurement is based on 367 samples.

Comparisons to State and National Data

Minnesota Average: 133 minutes.

National Average: 162 minutes.

Measurement Dates

Start Date: 7/1/2022

End Date: 6/30/2023

  • Emergency Department Volume: low
    • Footnote:
  • Left before being seen (%): 1
    • Footnote:
  • Head CT Results (%): Not Available
    • Footnote: Results are not available for this reporting period.
    • (Percentage of patients who came to the emergency department with stroke symptoms who received brain scan results within 45 minutes of arrival)

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Where is MEEKER MEMORIAL HOSPITAL – Litchfield-MN?
    • MEEKER MEMORIAL HOSPITAL is located at 612 South Sibley Avenue.
  2. What is the phone number of MEEKER MEMORIAL HOSPITAL – Litchfield-MN?
    • Phone number of MEEKER MEMORIAL HOSPITAL is (320) 693-4507.
  3. How long will I wait at MEEKER MEMORIAL HOSPITAL – Litchfield-MN ER?
    • Based on Medicare data measured between 7/1/2022 and 6/30/2023, Average ER Wait Time for MEEKER MEMORIAL HOSPITAL is 96 minutes (1 hour 36 minutes).
  4. How good is MEEKER MEMORIAL HOSPITAL – Litchfield-MN?
    • Based on Medicare data, Overall rating for this hospital is Not Available.


Information on this page is based on 2024 Medicare Hospital Providers Data Catalog. Please note that it may be outdated or changed. Phone number of MEEKER MEMORIAL HOSPITAL – Litchfield, MN is (320) 693-4507. You may call to get up-to-date information.

Time spent in ER (OP-18b) is the average (median) time patients spent in the emergency department before leaving from the visit
Left before being seen (OP-22) is the percentage of patients who left the emergency department before being seen
Head CT Results (OP-23) is the percentage of patients who came to the emergency department with stroke symptoms who received brain
scan results within 45 minutes of arrival.

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